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College Planning

Planning for college can be overwhelming for many students. Julie Spak helps with all phases of college planning to make sure that students pick the RIGHT career path and the RIGHT school for a successful outcome. 


After working through the Birkman Assessment, Julie's process includes:​​

  • Identifying possible college majors for a career fit. Begin with the end in mind.

  • Course planning for remaining years in high school

  • Planning for testing: ACT/SATs

  • Help with developing a "Resume". This tool can be used to help with college applications, references from teachers or employers, and review extracurricular activities. 

  • Selecting a potential list of colleges for academic, social, and financial fit; aligning with potential career choices.

  • Help plan college visit dates which can be in person or virtual. 

  • Brainstorming, editing, and assisting with dynamic college essays that "get noticed". 

  • Assistance with researching financial aid and scholarships. (Julie was a college financial aid counselor for 5 years!) 

  • Helping students focus on keeping their grades up until they graduate. 


Teacher and Student


As a Birkman Certified counselor, Julie Spak utilizes the Birkman methods to assist students and young professionals more focused on what they want to achieve. The Birkman Method personalizes coaching to help clients get around blind spots and stressors while focusing on more productive behaviors. 


The Birkman Method is built on a foundation of robust, scientifically valid data that lends precision, objectivity, and credibility to every coaching conversation. 

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